Impulse Disorders

Impulse disorders are characterised by behaviour, which occurs quickly, abruptly and sometimes, explosively. The most common are anger problems. Most of us have moments where we get agitated or have heated arguments. When the agitation and irritability are regular and uncontrolled, abusive or violent, these behaviours can negatively impact relationships, work and lead to dealings with the law.

Described below is an outline as an introduction to understanding impulsive anger problems successfully treated at PsychWell. 

Clinical Services provided for Impulse Disorders: 



Anger Management

Most people feel annoyed, frustrated, irritable or even angry occasionally. Anger expressed as yelling loudly, shouting, swearing, but in extreme cases it can escalate as physical aggression, destroying objects or directed toward other people or them selves.

When anger is directed to motivate to achieve something it can be helpful, but when anger is more frequent, intense, impulsive and ill directed it could be unhelpful.

Causes of Anger:

Sometimes it can be as simple as something you have planned that didn’t turn out, you didn’t get something you wanted, or somebody said something that offended you. Misunderstanding and poor communication can trigger anger.

The feelings that go hand in hand with anger include, sadness, shame, guilt or fear. Angry responses are often associated with difficulty accessing and describing feelings, and anger comes out.

Anger Triggers: 

External triggers of anger can be traffic jams, inconsiderate drivers, being treated rudely by someone else, or injuring yourself while doing a job you didn’t really want to do.

Uncontrollable Anger: 

Can cause significant interpersonal problems with your partner, friends, work colleagues, your boss or the law. Other times, it may be difficult to spot.

People who have a problem with anger often have difficulty describing the way they feel, and sometimes feel guilty and disappointed about their behaviour.

Health problem can result from extreme anger increasing blood pressure and risk of heart disease. They may consume more alcohol or take substances to cope.

Do You Have A Problem With Anger?

  • You may feel tense, on edge, irritated or angry a lot of the time
  • You may use alcohol or drugs to manage your anger
  • Have others suggested that anger may be a problem for you?
  • Have had trouble with the law as a result of your anger?
  • Do you take your frustrations out on loved ones?
  • Does it take you a long time to calm down after getting angry?
  • You might get angry more often and easily at those around you
  • Do you get so angry and violent that you break things?
  • Does it seem your angry response is out of proportion with the situation?
  • Is your anger causing problems in relationships, family friends or work?
  • Are others around you sometimes intimidated or fearful of you?
  • Do you worry, feel anxious or depressed about the effects of your anger? 

Answering Yes to any of these questions may indicate that anger is a problem for you. Addressing your anger can lead you to allowing you live a much more positive and rewarding life.


Anger can have an internal and external trigger provoking an angry response. Learning the warning signs, and strategies to manage thinking, reduce anxiety and learning to relax are central techniques for successfully managing anger.

Positively reframing thinking before, during and after can begin to heal the internal reactions to situations. Importantly, a tailored treatment plan aimed at ways to improve the situations in which you get angry. Telephone today to make an appointment to discuss the treatment options available for you.